Soaker Madness
At Chez Constructobot, there is a lot of hidden knitting going on. I mean, when you're basically knitting someone's underpants, how often does it come up as knitterly chit-chat - "Oh, I just finished another pair of wool underpants for my daughter". It kind of sounds like a medieval geas or something- unthanked knitting of wool underwear until my child can speak and say "Stop!"
But I am stretching the truth. The truth is, knitting wool soakers is very satisfying, since they are the most USED knitting I've ever seen in my life, and as I've said to friends, "you never knit faster than when you're covering you're baby's butt". That said, there is the endless interest of finding the best, most satisfying soaker pattern- I've tried many, and had many laughable and usable results. I'd make a big photo op of all the soakers at once, but some have been transferred down to the increasingly inaccessible storage room with other things of Bitbots that are too small, to await other occupants.
Hey- that's a joke- occu-pants! Um, I've been alone too long painting today. Fumes. Here are two recent iterations of the endless needful, the Wooly Soaker. Need I say that these function wonderfully well with cloth diapers, and we've never bought a cloth/plastic cover? No lie!
Here is one with an experimental waistband- ok, but the tendency to flip and roll in there is maddening. Plus I accidentally did two patterns at once and added unnecessary short rows so the backside is... generous. But everything's cute on a baby!
Another made of cool wool/soy yarn given by my friend- very pretty! Colors are very pretty, and after a lanolizing bath, it is in business!
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