
projectmania by quasi-luddites

Monday, April 07, 2008

Quick, the babies are asleep!

It really happens. Sometimes- and here, a moment in which the girls are not only asleep, I am by myself and able to post! Unicorns are about to fly out of my nostrils as well, keep posted.

So- first, a first for me- felted balls. I bought some roving, in celebration (somehow), of my (somewhat) imminent niece or nephew. Why? to felt little balls, of course!

I also bought yarn for a secret project for this forthcoming relative, one with duly complicated pattern and thoughtful construction, or so I hope. When I've actually got something going, I'll post a little preview. I don't know if I'll ever catch up to my sister in the amazingly awesome clothing for children department, but I've got to give it a shot. I'm hoping to wow the little one with my crazed knitterly prowess, or at least a facsimile thereof. Luckily, until they are at least two, they can't actually say "no". Not much anyway.

Completed- an experimental tray that is to be felted in my washing machine. Hopefully soon, and hopefully to wonderful effect. I feel like I need to buy a lot more dishsoap for this, but am going to give it a go with my laundry detergent first. for now- the tray! Duly basted with cotton according to one book's recommendations:

Work on the sweater for Constructobot herself continues apace, and I have just finished one half of the front. It is particularly gratifying to work on when given guff by the Titan or the Zephyr- something for me, mwa hah! Will post pictures soon- it will probably continue to look woeful until I block something of it.

Oh! and much work was done on the crypt craft room- shelves half-installed. Can I express with what a-flutter I say the words "craft room"? These syllables no longer exist only in my heart and mind, but in my own non-creepy basement! pictures to follow...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the bark boats that Great Aunt Ruth used to make me when I was little.

I want to sail in that boat!

5:53 AM  

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