
projectmania by quasi-luddites

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Linen stitch, I love thee!

So, in the search to protect more of the Zephyr's sweaters from mad yoke felting due to excessive drooling, I devised an itsty bib. In deciding on a stitch for this wee thing, I decided on linen stitch, since I'm pretty sure I messed it up on another project, and I wanted to practice. In making these smaller-than-gauge-swatch-bibs, I got a little example of the beauty of this dense little stitch. How cool it looks! How wildly sturdy, and attractive from both sides, I might add. It amuses me even more that I thought the back was the front, and only now see that the front does, in fact, resemble woven fabric. Ahem.

Look upon these itsy bibs! Plus, I get to use buttons, which is fun. In order to keep up with the drooling, I need to make probably 4 or even 5. The Zephyr is beatific, and currently, prolific.

Another note- I'm not one of those insta-cool peole who immediately come up with perfect nicknames. I now realize what my elder child's blog name is. It is not Constructobit, nor Parrot, but the inevitable (and what I really call her sometimes) : Titan! So the Titan and the Zephyr, my children are thus properly named. They are apt.

Another project- doesn't look like much, but it will be the first of a number of felted trays to hold my flatware. Longer explanation forthcoming, but it's mostly an experiment in machine felting. It's garter stitch on 11s.

And last, something of an inspiration for future projects. This is a recently acquired t-shirt of the Titan's , and the colors are super! Colorwork is starting to burble in my imagination, as I complete what seems an endless morass of plain projects. Nice, stranded, complex colorwork, please! This is in mind for some projects for my sister, but they are murky as of yet...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I bet you thought I wouldn't post, didn't you? Wrong! Both girls are asleep for this microsecond, so I type.

In progress: wool soaker and sweater.

Soaker for Parrot, one of a zillion, but hopefully getting the fit a bit better. I'm trying going from 4s to 5s to 8s, rather than 6s in the middle. I may also try varying the rate of decrease on the flaps, since they seem to flap a bit at the bottom of her butt. Can I do this without it becoming weird? Who knows.

And for me, a sweater! My first sweater for me me me! Started in a furor after Parrot refused her birthday socks (sigh), it goes apace. It is a modified version of a knitty sweater, Vanilla Spice. I'm making the cardigan into a pullover, and I want it to look sort of inside out- I'm going to put all seams poking out, and I'm doing the back in two sections too, to increase the seamage. The arms are shortrowed at the top, but I'm planning on some false seam stitch down the arm.

It is super curly, but the long piece is half of the back. The fabric itself is quite nubbly. I found it, still in skeins, at Savers or all places. I usually recycle sweaters there, but there was this one great haul of yarn, and I pounced.