
projectmania by quasi-luddites

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Just to warn you, I'v e been trying to post this for a week, but every time I try to load photos, they never make it. Sigh. There's nothing more boring than an almost pictureless blog, but I'm here!

Work proceeds apace on what I like to think of as the last pair of wool soakers I shall knit for the Titan. Warm weather and toilet training lurk round the corner. So here is the final pair, approaching completion. There's not enough teal for the legs, so I'll have to crib it from somewhere else. Will the final one have a drawstring or elastic? I think the latter, just to amuse myself, and have less for her to pull loose.

that's even though I have an I-cord MAKER!! Ha ha! Never (almost) again will I have to trudge through another cord- now I can make millions, millions at the turn of a crank! Amazingly, sock yarn leftovers make quite nice, spongy cords. I also tried my hand at using cotton to make a desperado plant-hanger. Not too bad.

And, though it is endlessly visually boring, work proceeds on my simple sweater- whenever I finish a piece, it all curls up on itself and looks like nothing. But just wait till I get it blocking- then you will all be impressed. I have moved on to the front now, and have done one half, and started the other half. Two sleeves, a whole lot of seams, and I'll be done!

And lastly, I give you pictures of the craft room. I rescued myself from drudgedom, and took over the best of the 3 basement rooms (and importantly, one that doesn't freeze liquids in the winter), and am feeling quite cozy there. Oh, there's stuff all over, and I've yet to build some simple counters out of some stuff we have lying around, but come on! A whole room, rather than things crammed into closets! I don't have to keep putting my sewing machine back up on a closet shelf- that alone is worth it. Oh, and I"m finally learning how to use the thing, since it was an incredibly nice hand-me-down sent by my sister right before we moved. Being very pregnant and packing with a toddler was sadly not the best time to learn about new machines. But finally I have threaded it and sewn a test line- that to me is progress. I do miss the iron heaviness of my great aunt Ruth's machine (and it's not gone), but sewing with a flashlight taped on gets old fast. And you have to pay much to even have someone look at your machine to see if it can be fixed! aargh

Monday, April 07, 2008

Quick, the babies are asleep!

It really happens. Sometimes- and here, a moment in which the girls are not only asleep, I am by myself and able to post! Unicorns are about to fly out of my nostrils as well, keep posted.

So- first, a first for me- felted balls. I bought some roving, in celebration (somehow), of my (somewhat) imminent niece or nephew. Why? to felt little balls, of course!

I also bought yarn for a secret project for this forthcoming relative, one with duly complicated pattern and thoughtful construction, or so I hope. When I've actually got something going, I'll post a little preview. I don't know if I'll ever catch up to my sister in the amazingly awesome clothing for children department, but I've got to give it a shot. I'm hoping to wow the little one with my crazed knitterly prowess, or at least a facsimile thereof. Luckily, until they are at least two, they can't actually say "no". Not much anyway.

Completed- an experimental tray that is to be felted in my washing machine. Hopefully soon, and hopefully to wonderful effect. I feel like I need to buy a lot more dishsoap for this, but am going to give it a go with my laundry detergent first. for now- the tray! Duly basted with cotton according to one book's recommendations:

Work on the sweater for Constructobot herself continues apace, and I have just finished one half of the front. It is particularly gratifying to work on when given guff by the Titan or the Zephyr- something for me, mwa hah! Will post pictures soon- it will probably continue to look woeful until I block something of it.

Oh! and much work was done on the crypt craft room- shelves half-installed. Can I express with what a-flutter I say the words "craft room"? These syllables no longer exist only in my heart and mind, but in my own non-creepy basement! pictures to follow...