
projectmania by quasi-luddites

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wow. Talk about a pause. But much has been done, or at least begun, in constructobotland.

socks for next winter for the Zephyr. Can we talk about the satisfaction of turning tiny heels?

oh- and I don't think I posted this. Here is a finished Jaywalker...that I'm going to frog. Sorry, ubercool pattern that looks so neat in stripy sock yarn! It is so evil to get it over my heel, and I am someone with almost a flat foot, so there's no arch in the way. I can't bear wincing when I put on something I knit, so I'm ripping it out and knitting something else. I still like the chevron though, so I'll probably try another pattern with the "v", but more stretch.

gratuitous happy baby picture, wearing knit soaker, of course. The Zephyr.